
It’s essential to taste the wine at the right temperature.

The thermometer can be used immerging it on bottle collar when the bottle is still full, but it would be better to measure the temperature from the tasting glass; there are hygienic and practical reasons to do that: the wine poured in the glass has a higher temperature than the one in the bottle.
After using the thermometer it has to be cleaned.

The temperature affects also the perception of some aromas: the cold stresses the vegetal aroma, the warm stresses the perception of more complex perfumes.

Suggested serving wine temperature:
- from 5°a 8° C: champagne and sparkling wine
- from 8° a 10° C: light white wine
- from 10° a 12° C: white wine with body
- from 12° a 15° C: light red wine
- from 15° a 18° C: red wine with body. 


Price: € 900
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